We wish a very Happy Teachers’ Day to all our teachers!

People in the community had their own set of problems when we put forth the concept of schooling for their children.
Adult Literacy Program was launched on the 7th of Dec 2009 at our Chilla Khadar Basti School, Mayur Vihar, Delhi.
With a belief that these children deserve a better life like most of us do, we encourage people to extend financial and moral support to sustain this cause.
Our Founder Members and Mentors collaboratively work to help GSV Students in all aspects..

Rear Admiral (Retd.) H.C.MALHOTRA
Founder & Mentor
Harish Malhotra is a master's degree holder in Defence and National Security Studies with 37 years of Planning and Operations experience in the Indian Navy with specialization in the fields of Logistics, HRD and Training. Since retirement as Rear Admiral in 1991, he has been keenly involved in community development and environmental work with NGOs and citizen’s voluntary organizations.
A distinguished personality with a keen insight into the changing socio-political, human development and environmental needs of the community, with a determined team building and resource mobilizing ability.

Shri Sanjeeva Narayan, B. Com (Hons), FCA, ACS, is the Managing Partner of M/s Ashwani & Associates, Chartered Accountants for over last 30 years heading and managing Delhi operations. He is the national partner for the assurance division and has more than two decades of experience as Central Statutory Auditor in Public Sector Banks.
He actively writes on professional issues in “Taxmann”, Chartered Accountant Today. Apart from being a member of various committees in the ICAI, he also serves on the Board of several Private and Listed Companies.

Chetan Kak has been serving with the Government of India for over 20 years at various capacities in different states of India. With a wish to serve the nation, he has been associated with us as an Advisor, particularly in the growth of the school and child development. Currently, he is posted in Delhi and looking after the northern states of India.

Founder & Chief Coordinator
Sunil's career stands testimony to the belief that one who serves well can also be served well. A graduate in Agriculture Science, was forced to leave the Kashmir valley after the militants attack and since then he is based in Noida running a hospitality business.
A concerned citizen for social well-being, he has taken forward his work for the lesser-privileged sections in Noida with great determination.

Core Team Member
Ms. Guddi Nagi has had a cherished teaching career which culminated in holding the position of a Headmistress in Bal Bharati Public School, Noida, Sector 21.
She Started her professional career in teaching while in Mumbai, during her husband’s posting in the city as an Indian Navy Officer. Thereafter they moved to Vishakhapatnam where she taught Timpany School. After few years she was back in Mumbai and joined Bombay International School. When they moved to Delhi in 1990, she joined Bal Bharati Public School (West Delhi).
On moving to Noida, she shifted to Bal Bharati Public School Noida as a Science and English Teacher.
Ever since she left her active teachin career, she is associated with Gyan Shakti Vidyalaya as it’s Core Member.
Some of good words about GSV from community
"The once shy kids naturally suspicious of the rest of the world are today proud young boys and girls confident enough to meet or greet any one on equal terms. What a transformation!"
Mr. K.N. Bhat
Senior Advocate,Supreme Court of India / Morning Walker
"The milk and bananas provided by the school is not only an incentive, but a necessity for these children and the uniform really brings dignity and equality to their lives".
Ms. Namita Gautam
Director, Sheela Foam Pvt. Ltd. / Donor
"I appreciate the idea of providing supplementary education, both curricular and co-curricular to poor children whose parents cannot afford to give extra coaching which is necessary for such children. The visits you organize for children for the purpose of exposing them to developments in science and technology and providing recreation to them occasionally are very good".
Mr. P.P. Rao
अब बच्चों में बहुत बदलाव है. पहले बच्चे हमेशा मिटटी में खेलते रहते थे और आपस में लड़ते रहते थे ! लेकिन अब ये झगड़ा नहीं करते और पढ़ाई में मन लगते हैं.
हम इन बच्चों को देख कर बहुत खुश होते हैं. जब बच्चों के माता पिता थोड़ी दूर से अपने बच्चों की कक्षा लगी हुई देखते हैं, तो उनको विश्वास हो जाता है कि एक दिन उनके बच्चे भी अच्छी ज़िन्दगी गुज़ारेंगे।
Sr. Citizen, Sec.15A, Noidaa
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